True nourishment is about so much more than the food we eat. Nourishment encompasses all areas of our lives. The relationships we surround ourselves with, the thoughts we think on a daily basis, the career we pursue, the way we move our bodies, and the role of spirituality in our lives are all ways we either nourish ourselves, or don’t. It is the small, daily decisions to nourish ourselves in ways that feel good to us that create radiant health. No two people are alike, so no two people are going to have the same path or the same blueprint to achieve optimal health. This is where health coaching comes in. I am here to be your guide on your journey to health and wellness. Throughout our coaching sessions, we will explore which foods best serve your unique body, what may be blocking you from nourishing yourself optimally in every area of your life, and how to use your own intuition as your ultimate guide to a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle.