Who / How / What


My Journey.

Nothing informs the way I guide and facilitate the healing practices I offer more than my own healing journey. Every practice I guide has been instrumental in my own life. The transformation that has occurred in my life as a result of these practices is what inspired me to seek out training and certification in these various modalities so that I could share them with others. 

My journey began in 2013 when I entered treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. My sobriety is the greatest gift I have ever been given. Not everyone gets a second chance at life and that is exactly what my recovery has given me. My recovery is the solid foundation of all the healing work I have done. Without that, I would be nowhere near where I am today. Maintaining sobriety is far from easy. Being sober means showing up and being present for life, no matter what gets thrown your way. It means not being able to escape or numb out. It means having the courage to face your pain, so you can heal and transform. 

In 2016, I discovered the first two healing modalities that really worked for me - yin yoga and breathwork. At the time, I was still struggling with mental illness and the impact of both early childhood trauma and sexual trauma. Breathwork and yin yoga allowed me to release stuck energy, emotions, and trauma from my body in ways no other form of therapy had up to that point. The process was not easy or comfortable. In order to release and heal, I first had to FEEL everything I had worked for so many years to stuff down and numb with substances and other maladaptive behaviors. My teachers, my therapist, and the healers who held space for me throughout this stage of my journey inspired me to want to share these healing modalities with others. 

In 2018, I enrolled in my first training and 50 hours later, I became a Certified Yin Yoga Instructor. This training ignited my passion for teaching and facilitating. After this training, it became clear to me that guiding people on their healing journeys was my sacred calling. I explored other modalities and called in more guides. Yoga Nidra meditation became a daily practice for me that has gently transformed my life in countless ways. I worked with an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and healed my physical body. I received reiki healing and started taking dance and movement classes. These modalities further awakened me to the fullness of my purpose. I kept training and I kept learning. I began to share these practices with others and I witnessed transformation in their lives. 

Every day that I am alive, I strive to learn and grow. I am far from perfect and I know I always will be. I believe in prioritizing progress over perfection. I am a constant work in progress and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am living proof that there is nothing in life that is too big to heal and overcome. If you are willing to put in the work, and brave enough to go into the pain, there is profound healing to be found. With that healing comes a new life. The life I get to live today is truly one I never thought would be possible for me, but here I am. I am no different than you are. I am happy you are here, brave soul. It is an honor to be your guide on your journey back home to YOU!


My Philosophy.

If there is one thing I have learned about healing on my own journey, it is that healing is NOT LINEAR! It is a winding road, and sometimes it feels like you take one step forward and two steps back. Healing is messy; it is hard; it is confronting. Although it has its beautiful moments and liberating breakthroughs, it is not all love and light all the time. It takes fortitude and perseverance, but in my experience this fighting spirit is always rewarded. 

I am not here for spiritual bypassing. I am here to get down in the trenches with you. I am here for lasting, deep, and meaningful transformation. I am here for the breakdowns that turn into breakthroughs. I am here to hold space for you exactly as you are moment to moment. Every part of you is welcome in my sessions. I welcome all that you are, at all times. There is never any expectation for you to be anything other than who you are in each session. I believe we are always exactly where we are meant to be at each stage of this journey.

I am here to CELEBRATE YOU in every triumphant moment along the way! I am here to remind you of how far you’ve come in moments of doubt. Oftentimes, we are the last ones to recognize our own progress. I am here to be a mirror for you and challenge you to shine your brightest! I believe we are born with everything we need inside of us. We arrived on this planet as whole and complete beings. I am here to help you process and release everything that is blocking you from remembering the truth of who you are. Join me on this journey. I rejoice in guiding you on this journey. The world needs you to shine your brightest!


My Stats.

As a Gemini Sun, Moon, and Mercury with a Sagittarius Rising, I am first and foremost a student. I feel most alive and in my element as a student - asking questions, breaking down complex topics, and expanding my mind and spirit. I am constantly in search of ways to learn and grow, whether it is through trying new healing modalities myself, reading books, or enrolling in formal trainings or certification programs. Each and every course and training I have done has contributed not only to the development of my offerings, but who I am as a person. I am infinitely grateful to all my teachers. I am the teacher, guide, and healer I am today because of all of you!